18 Days Opening - wow!

The 18 Days opening was absolutely packed with art enthusiasts, both exhibitors and the general public. As we drove up to the CCA, I found myself wondering if there was a big event happening at the nearby church or the Children's museum (there were cars overflowing out of the parking lots onto the shoulders of Old Pecos Trail). All too soon, as we tried to find a parking place at the CCA, we discovered it was all for the 18 Days opening reception. The work was varied and interesting with a wide variety of subject matter encompassed mostly by painting, prints, and drawing but also by photography, fiber, video, installation, welding, and "upcycled" fashion. All work was mounted on the wall, except for a select 3-4 piece,s which were suspended from the high ceiling.

18 Days Opening Crowd

My piece is tucked on the west end of a free-standing wall near the back of the gallery.

Me with my pieceMy favorite aspect of the opening (besides getting to talk with lovely people of course!) was having the opportunity to observe people to peering at my piece, leaning in close to examine its many small squares stitched together.

Folks looking aty my piece If you're in the Santa Fe area before March 20th, I recommend a visit. It is a show worth seeing and not just because my piece made the cut!

Click here for a little promo article from the Santa Fe Reporter.